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At Future Identity we explore the latest initiatives, technologies and concepts driving digital identity.

digital identity interview event iProov
Andrew Bud, iProov – Future Identity Now 1
For the first episode of Future Identity Now we were joined by Andrew Bud, Chief...
Embedded identity, OCR labs report, The future of identity is embedded
Embedded identity: Industry Insight
Industry Insight: The future of identity is embedded  This industry insight report, powered by OCR...
vaccine passports
Digital identity and vaccine passports
Hailed as an effective way to get industries like travel and events moving again, vaccine...
Digital patient identity in a pandemic era
Virtually every industry has seen the global pandemic transform how they do business. Nowhere is...
european digital identity conference london
Toward a European digital identity
Ana Isabel Segovia, Digital Regulation Manager at BBVA, explores the latest developments in a European...
digital identity event London financial inclusion
Inclusion by design: Creating digital identity systems for all
Louise Maynard-Atem, Research Lead at Women in Identity shares her view on the importance of...
digital identity event education
Biometrics in education supports the new normal
Like virtually all sectors of the economy, education underwent drastic changes following the outbreak of...
digital identity event London
The third wave in digital identity
Rod Boothby, Global Head of Identity at Santander, explores what the future hold for trusted...
digital identity event London
Solve digital identity and close the backdoor to hackers
Rod Boothby, Global Head of Identity at Santander, explores how the failure to verify every...
“Login”: The internet’s largest unsolved problem
Rod Boothby, Santander's Global Head of Identity and co-chair of the Open Digital Trust Initiative...
digital identity event conference money laundering
Fighting money laundering with face biometric verification
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wrote an open letter in May 2021, to retail banking chief executives...
digital identity event OCR Labs
OCR Labs International GM, Russ Cohn – Future Identity Now 2
For this episode of Future Identity Now, we were joined by Russ Cohn, General Manager...
digital identity event
Countdown to the Future Identity festival – Matt Wilson, Ekata
The Future Identity festival will take to the stage at The Brewery, London, on November 15th...
digital identity event
Digital identity in financial services: The fintech effect
Traditional banks have faced challenges in moving to the forefront of embracing digital identity. Without...
digital identity event
Future Identity & Fintech Talents festival 2021 – Team blog
Since announcing the Future Identity & Fintech Talents festival, the response to 'bringing back the...