Europe | 13 May | London

FTT Embedded Finance
FTT Embedded Finance
FTT Embedded Finance


We will be in touch to let you know if your application has been successful.

All successful Future Identity Customer applicants are expected to take a minimum of five double-opt-in meetings at the event, through our Hosted Buyer Programme.

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digital identity interview event iProov
Andrew Bud, iProov – Future Identity Now 1
For the first episode of Future Identity Now we were joined by Andrew Bud, Chief...
stronger authentication, digital identity event
Better, faster, stronger authentication – FID festival 2021
How do businesses ensure that good customers have the most frictionless online authentication journey possible?...
vaccine passports
Digital identity and vaccine passports
Hailed as an effective way to get industries like travel and events moving again, vaccine...
digital identity banks
Digital identity: An opportunity for banks, starting today
Martin Sladecek, Director of Digital Strategic Studies at Société Générale, explores the key role banks...
digital identity adoption, event london
Digital identity: Driving adoption – FID festival 2021
With digitisation, comes changing user behaviour, increased risk, and an evolving regulatory landscape. The need...
Digital patient identity in a pandemic era
Virtually every industry has seen the global pandemic transform how they do business. Nowhere is...
Embedded identity, OCR labs report, The future of identity is embedded
Embedded identity: Industry Insight
Industry Insight: The future of identity is embedded  This industry insight report, powered by OCR...
future identity festival
Flashback friday: Future Identity Festival highlights
Today is almost three months since the Future Identity festival took place. After almost two...
digital identity event
Future Identity & Fintech Talents festival 2021 – Team blog
Since announcing the Future Identity & Fintech Talents festival, the response to 'bringing back the...
identity event london
Government of Aruba at Future Identity 2021
At the Future Identity and Fintech Talents festival on November 15th & 16th, we caught up with Annet Steenbergen, Chair...
Martin Sladecek Société Générale
In conversation with Société Générale at Future Identity 2021
At the Future Identity and Fintech Talents festival on November 15th & 16th, we caught up with Martin Sladecek, Director...
Lendha Espinosa Tecalis
In conversation with Tecalis at Future Identity 2021
At the Future Identity and Fintech Talents festival on November 15th & 16th, we caught up with Lendha Espinosa, International...
neobanks fraud digital identity challenger banks
Neobanks – The neo-target for fraud?
Dealing with cybercriminals and hackers is nothing new for banks. From identity theft to account...
digital identity event OCR Labs
OCR Labs International GM, Russ Cohn – Future Identity Now 2
For this episode of Future Identity Now, we were joined by Russ Cohn, General Manager...
digital identity privacy user experience
Privacy, security & UX: The digital identity trilema
Ahead of this year's Future Identity Festival, Laura Camplisson sat down with Fabian Eberle to...