Rockstar Pass
- For the entire tech and solutions providers ecosystem
- Access to Hosted Meetings Program evening
- Access to 3 stages of content
- Event app – your event black book
- Networking drinks
Digital Identity Buyers Pass
Available for regulated financial institutions; retailers, e-commerce firms and platform marketplaces; esports, gaming and gambling businesses; entertainment and broadcasting businesses; travel, transportation, and delivery services; social media platforms; e-health and healthcare providers.
- Access to 3 stages of content
- Event app – your event black book
- Networking drinks
Digital Identity Buyers Hosted Pass
Available for regulated financial institutions; retailers, e-commerce firms and platform marketplaces; esports, gaming and gambling businesses; entertainment and broadcasting businesses; travel, transportation, and delivery services; social media platforms; e-health and healthcare providers.
Press & Media Pass
- Reserved for media with editorial job titles only
- Access all areas on both days featuring:
- A packed expo floor, networking app, networking drinks reception, three content stages & networking app
Early Stage Start-up Pass
- For pre-series A companies founded up to five years prior to 2023 with total funding < 1m
- Access to 3 stages of content
- Event app – your event black book
- Networking drinks