

  • digital identity event london

    Laura Camplisson has led on the Future Identity portfolio of content and events since the brand’s launch in 2021. Laura regularly contributes to articles, reports and blogs exploring the latest initiatives, technologies and concepts in the identity space. She is particularly excited about the potential for digital identity to enable greater inclusion and make everyday life more seamless.

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The fight for survival with identity wallets – An interview with Marcel Wendt, Digidentity

At this year’s Future Identity Festival, co-located with FTT Mutuals and the Fintech Talents Festival, the very best minds in digital identity came together to discuss and debate the latest trends and challenges in KYC, cybersecurity, fraud, biometrics, authentication and much more.

Fresh from the Future Identity stage, we sat down with Marcel Wendt, Digidentity’s CTO and Founder. Digidentity is a leading provider of reusable identity for identity proofing, authentication and electronic signatures.

Marcel tells us that Digidentity onboards users based on government-issued documents, before creating a digital, reusable identity which can be used to fulfil future KYC requirements. “Onboard once, reuse many times,” he explains.

Marcel shares his excitement around ongoing discussions about the European digital identity wallet and the evolving ecosystem of public and private parties involved. “There will be a fight among the wallet providers as to who will survive,” he predicts.

Watch the full interview below to learn more about Digidentity’s mission, the opportunities and set-backs to come from government identity frameworks such as eIDAS 2.0 and Gov UK Verify, and how the future of digital identity is evolving at pace.

Check out our 2024 events calendar – kicking off with Future Identity Finance, taking place on 20th March, at St. Pauls, London.


  • digital identity event london

    Laura Camplisson has led on the Future Identity portfolio of content and events since the brand’s launch in 2021. Laura regularly contributes to articles, reports and blogs exploring the latest initiatives, technologies and concepts in the identity space. She is particularly excited about the potential for digital identity to enable greater inclusion and make everyday life more seamless.

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