

  • Laura Camplisson

    Laura Camplisson has led on the Future Identity portfolio of content and events since the brand’s launch in 2021. Laura regularly contributes to articles, reports and blogs exploring the latest initiatives, technologies and concepts in the identity space. She is particularly excited about the potential for digital identity to enable greater inclusion and make everyday life more seamless.

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Who’s who in digital identity standards & frameworks?

digital identity standards

If we are to see widespread, cross-sector adoption of digital identity, the development of standards and frameworks will play a key role in establishing trust and driving interoperability. At Future Identity North America, we were joined by a rockstar panel of speakers representing some of the most influential organisations in the digital identity sector.

We heard from Kantara Initiative, FIDO Alliance, OpenID Foundation and Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC), on how they are uniting communities of developers and users, to drive forwards principles and guidance for the use of digital identity.

Future Identity Portfolio Lead, Laura Camplisson, asked each panelist what they think the next most significant development will be in digital identity. The answers paint an exciting picture of the near future of this fast-evolving industry:

Kay Chopard, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative: “If we could really address equity, diversion and inclusion and really move the needle, I think that would be a really exciting development for better digital identity standards. ”

Andrew Shikiar, Executive Director, FIDO Alliance: “I often get asked when we can get rid of passwords. I don’t think that’s really the right question, the question is when will we have less passwords? I think we are well on the path towards less reliance on passwords and feel like we are turning a corner.”

Elizabeth Garber, GAIN PoC Group Co-Chair, OpenID Foundation: “I’m excited about how the internet is changing generally, as we move towards decentralisation, the possibilities of DeFi and how we facilitate those changes by treating identity information as assets that individuals own and control wherever they are in the world.”

Joni Brennan, President, DIACC: “I look forward to seeing this ecosystem and how we all work together really take shape. We are seeing more and more adoption and thoughtful design, which is a work in progress, and as stewards of this space I’m excited to be in it as it continues to evolve.”

Watch the full panel discussion below.

The conversation continues at the Future Identity Festival 2022, 14th & 15th November, at The Brewery, London.


  • Laura Camplisson

    Laura Camplisson has led on the Future Identity portfolio of content and events since the brand’s launch in 2021. Laura regularly contributes to articles, reports and blogs exploring the latest initiatives, technologies and concepts in the identity space. She is particularly excited about the potential for digital identity to enable greater inclusion and make everyday life more seamless.

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